
Please contact Ms. Hellman for purchase inquiries.

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Zen Garden

Works promoting tranquility, peace and good fortune.


Mind Like Water (Mizu No Kokoro)

“Mind Like Water” is a multi-layered creation embodying tranquility and good fortune.

Jennifer photographed images of koi and lotus flowers, representing peace and good luck respectively, at the Huntington Library Gardens in San Marino, CA.

A Photomosaic design of the lotus flowers surrounds the koi, which swim in the indented koi pond, surrounding the earth, sky and water orb - created with a resin form, dyed blue.

Stained wood panel borders showcase the raised Chinese character “Fok”, meaning good fortune.

The state of Mizu No Kokoro is the ability to stay calm and unruffled in the face of adversity.

Original image: Lotus flowers



The original photo for this piece was shot in Vietnam's Cao Dai Temple: An aesthetically stunning multicultural monastery near Ho Chi Minh City. Worshipping priests in varied-colored robes represent Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism. Sharing the floor with the priests, hundreds of chanting monks had just shifted from their perfect domino formation as noontime service ended.

Original image: warshipping priests in Vietnam’s Cao Dai Temple


Altar-ed States

“I shot the original photograph of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona in 1995. I was inspired by Gaudi's unfinished cathedral, which seemed to be framed by a two-toned sky. The concrete face of the iconic church, set against nature’s bluest of skys looked almost suspended in space.”

Original image: face of Gaudi’s ‘La Sagrada Familia’ in Barcelona.


Planes, Trains, & Automobiles



“With it's slick aqua paintjob and art-deco fender, this perfectly maintained 1949 Hudson was stunning. Etherea was created with varied design sequences stitched together, mounted on acrylic and finished with a polished aluminum frame to mimick the fender.”

Original image: fender of a 1949 Hudson.



“The sun reflecting on the black metal of this 1985 Harley Davidson soft tail created a rainbow of color. The detail of the bike evolved in to intricate patterns when designing the piece, which I expanded upon by layering strips of the same part of the image one on top of another. An aluminum mat and black leather frame finished the piece perfectly.”

Original image: 1985 Harley Davidson Soft Tail


The Natural World: Beach and Sea Life



“At the beach, I photographed a large mound of kelp that had washed up on the sand. The colors shone brilliantly at sunset and I envisioned my photographic answer to a Jackson Pollack. See thumbnails below to see the varied pieces I have created using the same kelp image. My fascination with kelp continues and many of my creations involve seaweed and beach life.”

Original image: Kelp on the beach, Hermosa Beach, CA.


Medusa's Journey

“Jellyfish are breathtaking creatures to me; I could stare at them forever. I was able to capture the vibrant orange Moon Jelly and the tiny undulating umbrella Jellies through glass at the Long Beach aquarium. Melding them together in the same piece and looking through the jellyfish-frame gives me the feeling that I am deep in the ocean amongst their magical world.”

Original photographic images: Center - Moon Jellyfish found in California. Border - Umbrella Jelly (The Jellyfish's Bell is called the Medusa).



“At mid-day, I photographed kelp in the sand at the ocean’s edge in Hermosa Beach, California. Using this original image as the main fabric of my piece, the completed Photomosaic brings to mind a beautiful Japanese painting.” 

Original image: Kelp in the snd at mid-day, Hermosa Beach, CA.


The Pier

“I have stared at multitudes of pier photographs in the thirty-plus years I have lived at the beach, and offer these classic views of the pier in a unique way. The mat is wrapped in stone-washed seafoam green fabric, as though tossed by the ocean's waves. The piece is framed with a mottled brown wood frame. ”

Original images: two classic views of the Manhattan Beach pier.


The Natural World: Flowers and Foliage


Truthful Heart

“This Coral plant native to Mexico struck me with its striking red color and slender, wispy stems. I named my finished piece Truthful Heart because of all the repeating heart patterns in the image as well as the feeling the center panel evokes for me.”

Original image: Coral Plant, California



“In the midst of a butterfly photo shoot, I was lucky enough to witness this incredible moth from Southeastern Asia. With its vibrant orange coloring and intricately detailed wings and body, it proved a sublime subject for a Photomosaic.”

Original Image: Southeastern Asian moth


Aspen Solace

“Aspen trees in Park City, Utah provided my inspiration for this piece. Bright white snow and crisp blue sky filtering through the trees set the stage for a perfect winter day, and “Aspen Solace” was the peaceful result.”

Original image: Aspen trees, Park City, Utah.


The Natural World: Mountains, Caves, and Found Objects



“During my honeymoon to Portofino, Italy, the striking colors and patterns of this fisherman’s net stood out as a perfect base to use for a photomosaic.”

Original image: Fisherman’s net, Portofino, Italy


Red Window

“My preference has always been to keep to the colors nature provides. This work was my first to experiment with Photoshop. I shot the image of a textured, brown rock wall in Malibu.

I then used the same rock image to create “Red Window” using a vibrant red version of the same image. I finished the piece by mounting it on a wood frame and bathing it in a glass-like resin.”

Original image: rock wall in Malibu California.

Finished piece ready to hang.


Diving Faces

“Walking toward the ocean, I passed a broken cement wall with an under layer of colorful, contrasting stones. In designing the piece, I divided it in to quadrants to give it power and impact and to further express my Photomosaic theme of repetition. While deciding a title, a mysterious 1960's song played on the radio, with only two words - "Diving Faces" - repeating.”

Original image: broken cement wall in Hermosa Beach, CA


Red Repeat

“This piece is a Photomosaic collage of images.

I added hand-built ‘plaques” for increased dimension, and resin for a brilliant shine.

Red Repeat is an echo delay pedal for musical sounds. A beautiful guitar note warmly repeats after the note is struck. In this vibrant red piece, the spires of the cathedral and the face of each plaque bring to my mind a melodic look and feel.


Le Grotte (The Cave)

“In 1994, my penchant for caves lured me in to one of the oldest in France; Le Grotte de Thor. I captured the Stalagmites and Stalactites and used the image to mount on a multitude of plaques - which I then built into a 9-piece dimensional work. The frame is stained wood”

Original image: Old cave in Thor, France

Entering the cave


American Beauty

“A crumpled corrugated box skating in the wind on a busy New York City street caught my attention, and watching my Photomosaic process weave it into a lovely work of art reminded me that beauty is found in unusual ways, in unusual places.”

Original image: cardboard box in New York City, NY